Rapid Team Management for High Volume Events

Rosterboard is a simple to use, drag-and-drop rapid personnel management board designed for mobile, fluid teams.

Built for speed and simplicity

When seconds count, you need to know at a glance where your team stands. Rosterboard allows you to see immediately qualified team members and their current status so you can deploy the right people for the right job

Drag and Drop

Manage personnel through simple status columns indicating levels of Ready, Busy, and Unavailable. Drag personnel to their indicated status when you need to update their availability.

Determine skill level at a glance

Some calls may require supervisors, some may require special skillsets. You can group personnel by class and role to tell at a glance your public safety officers from your First aiders. You can also keep VIP roles pinned on your sidebar for immediate locating.

Set Duties separate from Roles

While Roles may be based on skill and specialty, roles will allow you to define a specific job for each person. See who is on patrol, but available and differentiate them from someone who's available, but assigned to a static post using Roles.

Multiple users, better coordination.

As you are updating your Rosterboard, changes will immediately reflect on every other instance of the same board, allowing you to have multiple controllers all using the same current data, and even have a public status board for supervisors to see at a glance where their deployments are.

High Volume Mode

When calls begin to come in quickly, you can activate High Volume Mode which allows you to add additional groupings for Personnel, and can manage teams rather than individual users.

Better Personnel Management for Faster Response Time

We have even more features beyond the ones we've highlighted to help with Personnel Management.

Kiosks for Personnel Self Management

Create kiosks for single-mode check-ins for personnel to allow for rapid ready-up of available resources, or let personnel manage their own status with full self-service to reduce strain on dispatch and resource managers.

Built in Time Clocking

Moving users from X/Z columns to A/C/Y columns and vice versa will clock users in and out automatically, allowing you to see at a glance the time spent om shift.

Custom Event Notes

Below the sidebar personnel tracking is a section that can be used for anything from Running Orders to Custom Notes for management to remember for later, powered by Markdown.

Customize your Status Columns

Add/Move/Remove your status columns as you need to create any level of granular management, and easily update all boards to see the new layout.

Ready to get started now?

You can take a test drive on our hosted system for free, or deploy your own using Docker.
Built with Webstudio